RFID Audit with CannaScanner
Watch a 2-tier flower room with nearly 1000 plants get audited in just minutes using the RFID enabled CannaScanner.
CannaScale easy weighing
Ease and Efficiency
of CannaScale
See just how quick and easy it is to capture harvest weights with our METRC integrated CannaScale.
CannaScale RFID Weighing
RFID Weighing with CannaScale
For even easier capturing of harvest weights, use the RFID-enabled CannaScanner along with CannaScale.
Find a
Missing Plant
Find a Missing Plant
with CannaScanner
See how easy it is to find a missing plant using our CannaScanner's RFID and proximity capabilities.
Like what you see? Contact us or schedule a demo using the buttons below to find out how you can try CannaScanner and CannaScale at your facility for free for 14 days.